A full Study Bible installed on your WordPress site!!
• King James Version.
But more versions to come!
• Cross Reference.
3,992 verse linked to 57,812 related verses!
• Strong's Lexicons.
14,298 entries, covering every Hebrew & Greek word in the Bible!
• Interlinear Hebrew/Greek.
Displayed alongside the English text for quick reference!
• Easton's Bible Dictionary.
3,963 entries to help explain important places, people and concepts for the avid student of the Bible!
Words in the text linked to Strong's definition.
100% free!!

Study Bible
Not just the text, but crossreferences to other related verses, key words linked to the Strong’s definition. Eventually we’ll be adding more study helps as the plugin updates.
Strong’s Lexicons are a collection of the unique Hebrew and Greek words and their definitions organized by Dr. James Strong in 1890. They are extremely useful in determining the original word meaning from the orignal languages.
Easton’s Bible Dictionary was compiled in the 1890’s by Matthew George Easton. It provides informative explanations of histories, people and customs of the Bible.